The reality is that purchasing is more a journey than an event. Customers go on a journey where they have multiple and more interactions than ever to achieve a specific goal – decide what product or service to buy. What they really expect is this journey to be seamless across all touchpoints.
According to two interesting articles, “Your Customers Don’t Care About “Touchpoints”; They Care about the Journey” and “The Truth About Customer Experience”, although companies rightly focus on individual interactions with customers – the contact centre, field sales representatives, the website, etc. – what matters more is the overall customer experience journey.
In their research on customer journeys, they’ve found that organisations able to skilfully manage the entire experience reap enormous rewards: enhanced customer satisfaction, reduced churn, increased revenue, and greater employee satisfaction. They also discover more-effective ways to collaborate across functions and levels, a process that delivers gains throughout the company.
[Image: mkrigsman, Flickr]