As the rise of Assisted Selling continues, recent results in the US verify its effectiveness in the Consumer Electronics retail space with up to 22% uplift in sales when combined with Brand Advocacy amongst retail staff.
While there is much debate as to the impact of online sales versus bricks-and-mortar retailing, these findings further strengthen the argument that personal engagement is still crucial in selling products that require some form of detailed explanation. Cosmetic brands have discovered the secret and have been utilising this style of consumer experience for years, why aren’t other categories getting on board?
Beyond Consumer Electronics, this concept could be equally beneficial in the Hardware, Sporting Goods, Pharmaceutical and Fashion channels as consumers continue to look for a more positive experience in store according to Brad Rossiter, GM Field Marketing, Retail Safari. Here in Australia we are providing similar results or higher for our clients. This includes achieving a 98% sales uplift with a recent assisted selling program for a leading technology brand.
Tying personal interaction with online marketing is a sure fire method to continued sales growth… bricks-and-mortar aren’t dead just yet. Retailers and manufacturers have the opportunity to gain a competitive sales advantage based on the effectiveness of their in-store marketing programs.
Read more at Brick-and-Mortar still matters, if you care about sales anyway