The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is the biggest industry event of its kind in the world, which this year saw over 170,000 attendees scour over 2.2 million square feet of exhibit space featuring more than 3,600 exhibitors. Whilst big brands often steal the show, this year also featured a record number of start-ups showcasing their […]
Retail Safari at #TECHmyway Conference
The TechMyWay conference was an invite-only event hosted by Lenovo in Sydney on Friday Feb 13th and Retail Safari had the privilege to be invited. Special guest speakers Marita Cheng (2012 young Australian of the Year), Cameron Parker (Founder of Black Milk Clothing) and Ashton Kutcher – (Actor, Entrepreneur and Lenovo Product Engineer) discussed what technology […]
CES 2015 – Intel Keynote
At Retail Safari we are immensely proud of our long-standing partnership with Intel in Australia and CES represent a fantastic opportunity to see what they have lined up for the year ahead and beyond. This year’s CES keynote by CEO Brian Krzanich started with a bang and kept up that momentum showing us that […]
CES 2015 is all systems go. Gary Shapiro opens the show.
“Innovate or die!” A familiar mantra from the CEO and President of the Consumer Electronics Association, Gary Shapiro, and again a common theme in his keynote this morning to open the Consumer Electronics Show for 2015. Because “innovation by it’s very nature disrupts the status quo” and innovation is what CES is all about! With […]
Half of people shopping with their mobile…how many will leave your store?
73 % of the 87% of Australians that use a smartphone or tablet use it for shopping according to a recent study by 3radical. Over 50% of those surveyed are using them in store to research products they are looking for or compare prices. So what does this mean for retailers and brands? The old […]
A strong sales and marketing program can make all the difference
In the increasingly competitive Australian grocery retail environment, retailers and FMCG brands are facing challenges everywhere they look. The internet, arrival of major international players into the market and increasing range of Coles and Woolworths’ own-label products are just some of the many factors impacting the industry. So what to do? In these challenging circumstances, […]