This week I attended the “Highlights from the ACRS World Retail Congress” where my time was well spent hearing about merging global trends and retail best practice. This year’s theme centred on the idea of ‘Transforming retail today, tomorrow and beyond’ to survive in an age of disruption. Retail leaders – Dr. Sean Sands and […]
Localisation is essential for business growth
In the fast changing world of retail, localisation of brand relationships and offers represents both a major challenge and enormous opportunity for the industry. Despite the perceived benefits of globalisation, driven primarily by the quest for economies of scale, there is a seismic shift to localisation according to Retail World article. Consumers are becoming tired […]
Accenture ratifies that consumers want a seamless shopping experience
New research from Accenture has reinforced that consumers want a seamless shopping experience across store, online and mobile but retailers are struggling to integrate these shopping channels hence failing to meet consumers’ expectations. According to the study physical store locations still can be considered as a vital asset that can be exploited by retailers […]