This week I attended the “Highlights from the ACRS World Retail Congress” where my time was well spent hearing about merging global trends and retail best practice. This year’s theme centred on the idea of ‘Transforming retail today, tomorrow and beyond’ to survive in an age of disruption. Retail leaders – Dr. Sean Sands and […]
Retail Sector
From Brand Ambassadors to Engagement Specialists
For many years, Brand Ambassadors have been a ubiquitous part of the shopping environment. Used as a standard in-store promotional tactic by grocery and non-grocery manufacturers alike, their traditional role has predominantly involved increasing brand awareness, as well as driving sales. However, in recent years we have been observing changes in the Australian market, which […]
Retail Safari CES 2015 Trends and Retail Innovations
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is the biggest industry event of its kind in the world, which this year saw over 170,000 attendees scour over 2.2 million square feet of exhibit space featuring more than 3,600 exhibitors. Whilst big brands often steal the show, this year also featured a record number of start-ups showcasing their […]
Half of people shopping with their mobile…how many will leave your store?
73 % of the 87% of Australians that use a smartphone or tablet use it for shopping according to a recent study by 3radical. Over 50% of those surveyed are using them in store to research products they are looking for or compare prices. So what does this mean for retailers and brands? The old […]
A strong sales and marketing program can make all the difference
In the increasingly competitive Australian grocery retail environment, retailers and FMCG brands are facing challenges everywhere they look. The internet, arrival of major international players into the market and increasing range of Coles and Woolworths’ own-label products are just some of the many factors impacting the industry. So what to do? In these challenging circumstances, […]
What retailers can do to drive business success
In the current competitive retail environment, Australian retailers are increasingly turning to specialist industry suppliers for the best advice and latest technologies to help drive business success. By engaging an expert, retailers can focus on their priorities without being distracted by their many other day-to-day demands according to August Retail World’s in-store services business review. […]